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Season opener coming soon!

Greetings mud racers!

The 2022 Season opener race in Mitchell is fast approaching! We hope you're getting the last of your updates finished and fine tuning done for competition!

As usual, we'll start out the Memorial Weekend with the car show on Mitchells Main Street. The show runs from 12-4 and line up begins at 10 am. You are not required to register for the show but you will earn race points by showing your race truck during this time. Roger Hartley will be available for any questions you have about the show in general and SDMRI board members will be present to answer any questions concerning the show as it applies to truck participation.

As for race day on Sunday SDMRI is looking for a volunteer or 2 to run the computer brackets during the race and throughout the race season if possible. We can use some help with the gate in Mitchell as well as it gets pretty hectic when the spectators arrive and the line gets backed up a bit. Please help out if you can as it is truly appreciated!

All vehicles must come through the tech line to check all safety equipment and rule compliance. We will open the line at roughly 10 am and will close at 11:30 am....if you are running late you must call the President or Vice President directly to alert them as to why you are arriving late. If you do not call and you miss tech-in you will not race! This is spelled out in our general rules and no exceptions will be made! Please be early or on-time!

As usual, all class winners are required to help teardown the track after the race! If you are unable to do so personally, one of your pit crew may help in your place. Our President Tim Summers will be handling the payouts following the race so watch for him to collect your race winnings after the event has completed. Trophies are awarded to the top 3 finishers in each class and monetary payouts in all classes except Kids ATV.

At the request of the riders in Adult ATV and UTV classes we are going to try something new. These 2 classes will be run last in an effort to give them a deeper and muddier racing experience. Chest protectors are required and a limited number will be provided for the ATV riders courtesy of Ray Beeson. The board members will evaluate any issues or concerns related to this class order after the Mitchell event and decide if it will continue throughout the season.

Keep the wrenches turning and we'll hopefully see you at the show Saturday and the race on Sunday!


© 2025  South Dakota Mud Racers, Inc

All Rights Reserved

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