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Canova to Platte

Greetings everyone, we had great races in Canova. We would like to thank the Canova fire department and the Zulk family for bringing us back again. Congrats to all our winners. Tech went good everyone is getting there trucks fixed up and running good.

Our next race will be in Platte on June 30th. It will be our first time in Platte and we are all very excited about heading over there. The city of Platte is doing a great job welcoming us in. I would like to thank the volunteers that came out to set up the guard rail. We would also like to thank Midwest Ag Center in Platte for the use of the post pounder.

We will also be running a Calcutta in Platte for a benefit. We will be auctioning off the super stock class after the sportsman class is finished; similar to what we did in Mitchell with the sportsman class.

Well we all look forward to seeing everyone in Platte.

Sincerely, The SDMRI Board

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