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Annual Meeting Update

Hello racers and race fans.

We have had our annual winter meeting and a lot was discussed. First off, we want to give a huge thank you to the outgoing board members: Shawn Marquardt, Morgan Larson, Nick Larson, and Eric Kunkel. Everyone appreciates everything you guys/gals do for this club! We would also like to welcome our new members to fill their positions; Sonya Wilt will be our new Secretary/Treasurer, Justin Langrehr and Ben Verkilen will be members of the board, Brad Eichmann volunteered to be Vice President. We are always looking for people to help out on the board. If you have any interest in joining the board, please feel free to contact any of the board members.

Not many rule changes, but there were a few. The first rule change is in super stock, the trucks will now be allowed traction devices. The rule now reads traction bars allowed but must be factory OEM suspension. The trucks still must run the 3 full length leaf springs in rear.

The next rule change is in pro mod and it is for the bodies. The rule will no longer read that you must have a recognizable body. The rule will now read that there must be a body around driver. Bodies are judged by tech and must be mounted securely.

The schedule is coming together and getting finalized. We should be posting dates soon. Remember to get out there and sell ads. Ad sales are due by March 10th. We are looking forward to another exciting season, remember we will be racing before you know it. Don`t wait to get ready.

The SDMRI board

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